Co-Parenting Classes

If you are a participant in a proceeding in Tarrant County, TX Family Court and have been ordered to attend a Co-Parenting class, we will soon offer a class once per month that complies with all of the class requirements according to the Texas Family Code.

Class length, schedule, and cost will be determined.

Please contact us for more information

Women’s classes are planned on even numbered months:

Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, & Oct

Men’s classes are planned on odd numbered months:

Mar, May, Jul, Sep, & Nov

No classes are scheduled in December or January due to low registration during holiday season.

Schedule for 2025: To Be Determined

February - Women

March - Men

April - Women

May - Men

June - Women

July - Men

August - Women

September - Men

October - Women

November - Men

** Schedule subject to change